JAM Camp 1st – 6th grade June 1-3, 2025
3 days and 2 nights is just enough time to introduce younger campers to the amazing experiences of Camp Moses Merrill. Chapel, swimming, games, campfire and tons more will fill their days! All that fun packed into a short time will have them asking for more. First time and returning campers will have a blast.
Check in time: Sunday 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Pickup time: Tuesday 10:30 AM

Junior Camp 4th – 6th grade June 8-13, 2025
Camper’s days will be filled with fun and faith. Fun includes swimming, zip lining, games, laughter and of course campfires. Faith includes opportunities to explore God’s word through devotions, Bible Study and Chapel. It will be a week of making new friends, renewing friendships, and growing closer to God.
Check in time: Sunday 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Pickup time: Friday 10:30 AM
$360 before May 1st $385 after May 1st

Mid-High Camp 7th – 9th grade June 15-20, 2025
Mid High Camp is geared towards digging deeper into faith and life with Christ. Campers will enjoy campfires, worship, amazing games, zip lining, swimming and of course the annual basketball tournament. Join us for a great time of hanging out with friends and experiencing the great outdoors.
Check in time: Sunday 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Pickup time: Friday 10:30 AM
$360 before May 1st $385 after May 1st

Senior Camp 9th – 12th grade June 22-27, 2025
Whether you have been coming to camp your whole life or this is your first time, you will be challenged to grow in your walk with the Lord through chapel, daily devotion, and Bible Study. Enjoy the outdoors while swimming, zip lining, playing ball or hanging out at campfires. The traditional Senior High Feast is on the schedule. (some campers bring special clothes for the occasion). Bring a friend and enjoy a week away at camp!
Check in time: Sunday 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Pickup time: Friday 10:30 AM
$375 before May 1st $400 after May 1st

Family Camp All ages June 27-29, 2025
Bring the whole family! Quality time together without the distractions of everyday life is what Family Camp is all about. There is something for all ages. Your family will bond during devotions, worship and of course campfires. Enjoy time playing outdoor games, swimming, hiking and so much more.
Let us do all the planning and your family have all the fun!
For campers of all ages
Check in time: Friday 6:00-7:00 PM
Check out time: Sunday 10:00-11:00 AM
Cabin Pricing – bedding and towels are not provided
Adult (14+) $155
4-12 $95
0-3 $30
Lodge Pricing- includes bedding and towels
Adult (14+) $185
4-12 $115
0-3 $30
Youth Camp at Moses Merrill
Kids who come to camp have great memories of campfires, sunny afternoon swims and lifelong friends. Now more then ever kids need time away at camp to just be kids! For over 70 years Camp Moses Merrill has been welcoming summer campers to a place where they can grow in their faith, explore God’s beautiful outdoors and find friends, old and new.
Camp provides a Christian Community to encourage youth to learn about God. Whether its Chapel Time and small group discussions, singing around the campfire or chatting with a camp leader, campers have so many amazing opportunities to grow in their faith.
Summer camp is fun! Swimming, hiking, singing, Ga-Ga Ball, CTF… The list of things to do is endless!
Seeing old friends and making new friends is one of the best things about camp! With a safe and friendly environment campers have wonderful opportunities to spend time with friends. The memories they make will last a lifetime.
Join Us This Summer
Youth Camp is a great opportunity for kids to get away and spend time in God’s creation. Summer campers of all ages spend time having fun with great activities and games, making new friends, and growing in faith. We invite you to join us this summer for an unforgettable experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my child ready for camp?
Many parents wonder if their child is ready to spend a week away at summer camp. Children and parents may have some anxiety and we understand why! Your child is precious to you and sending them to camp is a big decision.
Ultimately parents know their children best so you will know better then anyone if your child is ready. However, as you make this decision let us help you think things through.
How will your child do away from home?
Often the biggest worry is how your child will do away from home. We make every effort to ensure campers are safe and happy at camp. Camper safety is our number one priority. If a week away is too long, consider sending your child to our shorter JAM Camp session available for younger campers! Maybe you should check out Family Camp . This is a great opportunity for the whole family to come to Moses Merrill together!
Is your child old enough?
We offer sessions for children as young as 1st grade. Each session is designed to meet children at their level. We offer safe activities suited for each age group and our Bible teaching is presented in a way that each age group will understand. Our well trained and caring staff are prepared to make your child’s time at camp the best it can be!
What about the parents? Are you ready?
Sometimes the kids are ready for camp before the parents are! We want you to feel confident in your decision to send your child to camp. Please read through the rest of our frequently asked questions. If there is anything else you want to know get a hold of us! We would love to speak with you personally so please Contact Us.
Will my child be safe at camp?
Camper safety is our number one priority. We take it very seriously and we want to reassure you that your child is safe at Moses Merrill. Here are a couple of the big steps we take to ensure your child’s safety.
A Well Trained Staff
Every single member of our staff receives extensive training to ensure that your camper is safe while at camp. We do a thorough background check on every member of our staff. Each staff member is trained to lead in various emergencies so that in the case of inclement weather or any other disaster your child will be kept safe.
Our staff is also trained to make your child’s experience the best it can be. From silly songs to games and activities, they know how to make camp fun!
A Safe and Fun Environment
All of our activities are designed to be safe as well as fun. We take every precaution to ensure your child has a safe environment to explore and enjoy. Our staff is trained to run and maintain every activity. Camp is always fun and we ensure it is safe as well.
Community Expectations
We ask that while at camp all campers abide by the camp rules. We want to create a caring environment that allows campers to have fun and make friends. We do not tolerate any form of bullying. We take this very seriously and we work hard to make sure everyone is treated with respect.
How does Moses Merrill handle payments and scholarships?
A non refundable deposit is required to complete registration. The remaining balance of the registration fee is due at check-in. We accept cash, checks and credit cards. If your church is paying for part of this fee, please bring a voucher from them indicating the amount they are paying. If your church is giving you a 100% scholarship please contact camp to register.
You may view or pay your camper’s balance at any time by visiting: https://campsself.active.com/MosesMerrillCampConferenceCenter
To inquire about payments or request a scholarship from Moses Merrill Please contact us. Find our contact info here.
How do I get to camp?
We are located near Linwood, Nebraska. You can find directions here.
What should I bring to camp?
What to bring to camp
- Bible (make sure your name is in it)
- Sleeping Bag or twin sheets/blanket
- Pillow
- Towels & washclothes
- Laundry bag
- Personal Hygiene items: soap, shampoo, deoderant, toothbrush/paste, etc
- Sunscreen & insect repellent
- Outdoor sandals & closed toed shoes (required for zip line)
- T-shirts, sweatshirts, pants and shorts
- No inappropriate clothing including short shorts, revealing clothing, or shirts with inflamatory language or graphics
- Jacket & rain gear
- Socks, underwear, & pajamas or something to sleep in
- Swimsuit & beach towel (modest please…one piece for girls preferred)
- Flashlight with fresh batteries
- Water Bottle
- Snack Shack money ($20- $50 is what most parents send)
- Prescription Medication in original bottle with completed medication form
- **Senior High campers may choose to bring nice clothes for “The Feast”
Not allowed at camp
• Cell Phones or smart watches
• Electronic equipment such as radios, iPods, tablets and laptop computers
• Knives, firearms, fireworks or anything that might be perceived as a weapon
• Snacks, candy, pop (food in cabins encourages bugs and mice)
• Skateboards & roller blades
• Any valuables you would regret losing
“Not Allowed” items will be held by staff and returned at the end of the week. MMCCC reserves the right to search personal belongings, with the camper present, if we believe items not allowed have been brought to camp. Illegal drugs, tobacco, alcohol, knives, firearms, fireworks or anything that might be perceived as a weapon are not tolerated at camp. MMCCC reserves the right to ask any person found with these items to leave camp.
Parents are responsible for coming to get any camper asked to be sent home with no compensation or refund.
What will my camper do at camp?
A typical day at camp looks like this:
8:00 am – Breakfast: A great start to every campers day!
9:00 am – Cabin devotions/cabin clean up: Time for a clean cabin and a moment in the Word.
10:00 am – Chapel time: From worship to a great speaker chapel is a blast.
11:00 am – Morning activities: Time to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow or many other exciting classes.
12:00 pm – Lunch: Fuel up for a fun afternoon.
1:00 pm – Horizontal Hold: A short rest time to recharge.
1:30 pm – Afternoon Activities: Swimming, Basket Ball, Snack Shack, and so much more!
5:30 pm – Dinner: Great food and good times.
6:30 pm – Chapel time: More time to spend learning about God.
7:30 pm – Evening Activities: Capture the flag anyone?
8:30 pm – Snacks: One word, S’mores!
9:00 pm – Campfire: Fun songs and powerful testimonies.
9:30 – 11:00 pm – Bed time (varies by age)
Meaningful Bible Teaching and Worship
Every day campers hear from amazing speakers during chapel and campfire. The Bible stories, life lessons and Scripture are designed to help every camper grow closer to God! A day at camp is not complete without worships songs and silly camp songs. I can almost guarantee you will hear many camp songs for years to come!
Exciting Activities
We offer many different activities supervised by our trained and amazing staff. From crafts to zip-lining and swimming to hiking there is always something your camper will love! We work hard to make sure everything is safe and fun. Find out more about our activities here.
How can I contact my child?
Every day at dinner, campers receive mail from friends and family. You can send your camper snail mail (mail no later than Tuesday to ensure your camper receives it) or an email. Please put your campers name on any mail or in the subject of all Emails. Find our contact info here.
In case of an emergency we want to do everything we can to help. Call our office at 402-666-5639 or contact our Camp Director Bev Pacas at 402-443-6663.
How is camp handling Covid-19?
We want to assure you that we are doing our best to make summer camp safe and fun for everyone. We continue to monitor and updates our safety measures as necessary.
Health Measures:
- Pre-camp health screenings for campers and staff.
- Stream lined check in and check out.
- Cabins, bathrooms, shower houses, and common areas will be sanitized regularly.
Summer Camp Waiver
I acknowledge that normal summer camp activities including but not limited to swimming, zip lining, volunteer work projects, hiking, and games of all types at Moses Merrill Camp & Conference Center may result in various types of injury including, but not limited to sickness, exposure to infectious/communicable disease, bodily injury, death, emotional injury, personal injury, property damage and financial damage.
In consideration for the opportunity to participate in summer camp and all activities, I, the parent /guardian of this minor child acknowledges and accepts the risk of injury associated with participation in summer camp and all activities. I accept personal financial responsibility for any injury or other loss sustained while at Moses Merrill Camp & Conference Center. Further, I, the parent/guardian release and promise to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Moses Merrill Camp & Conference Center for any injury arising directly or indirectly out of the described activity or transportation to and from the activity, whether such injury arises out of the negligence of the activity sponsor, the participant, or otherwise.
If a dispute over this agreement or any claim for damages arises, the parent/guardian agrees to resolve the matter through mutually acceptable alternative dispute resolution process. If the participant and Moses Merrill Camp & Conference Center cannot agree upon a process, the dispute will be submitted to a three-member arbitration panel for resolution in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.
I give permission for the camp to administer medications as it deems necessary to my child. This includes medication sent with my child, or nonprescription medications available at camp.
In case of an emergency I understand every effort will be made to contact me. In the event I cannot be reached, I here by give my permission to the physician selected by the camp to hospitalize and secure proper treatment (including surgery) for my child.
I give permission to Moses Merrill Camp & Conference Center to transport my child off camp property for planned activities. (Mission Camp Service Projects)
I give permission for any photos taken during camp to be used for camp publicity. Pictures may be used in our social media promotion.
If my child needs to be removed from camp for disciplinary or health issues, I will pick them up promptly.